Things That I Hate

This Mad Situation

I’ve been through everything with you. Friends, best friends, hatred towards each other, dating, you’ve cheated on me, made me cry over and over, but I can’t help loving you. I see you every day and every time I see you it’s like a punch in the stomach. You love me and I love you but I know that running back to you would be the biggest mistake I could make. I want to just forget everything, all my worries, all the judgements people will make and all the stares I will get silently saying “you’re ruining your life” and just fall into your perfect arms. I know half the people that read this will completely understand me and agree and the others will be the ones who disagree because they think I should get over you, stop complaining, find someone else, whatever. But I just want them to know, I don’t care what I have to go through to be with you. You’re my everything and I will love you forever.

  • #3180
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