Things That I Hate

Gay Arguments

Stop talking about it. They’re people just like everyone else and they can’t help being gay. There’s nothing wrong with it and I get so mad when people imitate gay people because it’s not funny, it’s mean. So just shut up about it and accept them for who they are.

  • #3287
  • 1 comment
  • score: 535+/380−
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  1. I’m not saying we should ostracize them, but gay people do have a very immoral problem. Considering that there were almost no homosexuals in the first centuries, I really don’t think that we are going through a pandemic of people who can’t help but desire for their same gender. I think that the problem is that it is gradually becoming more and more socially acceptable to be gay.

    • by Concerned
    • 21 December 2011, 8:17 PM

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