Things That I Hate

People Who Work in School and Are Mean to Kids

I had a guidance counselor and so one day I asked to switch my classes because they were too easy she just yelled at me no and why would I want to. Why does she care she already said no. Then my friend had tried to get her classes switched for three years and the counselor was mean and said no even to the parents until they had to go to the principal. Then also one day my father wanted to know our bus schedule and the lady was talking on the phone (a personal call) and yelled at my father to be quiet. That is so rude. Don't work in a school if you disrespect student and their parent. They never did anything bad so why be mean or even have this job. It just makes me mad.

  • #1425
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  • score: 248+/69−
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  1. My elementary school had a counselor that was so mean my best friend started a petition to get her fired. It got quite a few signatures! I think she caught him though.

    • by Co-hater
    • 28 October 2010, 7:42 PM

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