Things That I Hate

“Boy and Girl” Names

I don’t get it. I just don’t. What’s so embarrassing about being a girl and choosing a boy's name for confirmation? Come on! I told people that I chose St. Francis of Assisi and they laughed their stomachs out. That just hurt my feelings. I don’t get “boy” and “girl” names. And anyways, I hated all of the girl names. I just chose it because of what it means. It makes me cry that people care about “boy and girl” names. It’s just a name for crying out loud!

  • #1736
  • score: 339+/254−
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  1. Francis is non-gender specific.

    • by szcvz
    • 25 January 2011, 5:52 PM
  2. The female version of the name is “Frances”. “Francis” is the male version of it. “I” for him, “E” for her.

    • by Kev
    • 13 February 2011, 10:36 AM

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