Things That I Hate


Me and my neighbors have had an ongoing teepee battle type thing. We did it last year and they have done it multiple times. They did it tonight, though. They put shaving cream all over our good outdoor table and my mom got some in her eye. Plus it is late and my mom and sister were sleeping and they rang the doorbell. It makes the yard look terrible. We even told them we were done with it earlier today and they still did. It’s so immature. It’s fun the first time. Some people may think it’s funny, but others don’t and they need to realize there are consequences.

  • #2584
  • score: 405+/286−
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  1. FYI, the term is TPing, and it refers to covering someone’s property with toilet paper. That’s not what you’re talking about here.

    • by Michael
    • 15 July 2011, 6:23 AM
  2. Well gee, ma’am, you don’t have to take your period out on us!

    • by Reabob
    • 16 July 2011, 8:05 AM
  3. Troll.

    • by Michael
    • 21 July 2011, 6:17 AM

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