Things That I Hate

Star Wars Haters

I am probably the most hated girl in the class to most of the girls. You know why? I never stop talking about 1980s Star Wars. Why do they act like I committed a crime by watching Star Wars? The majority of my friends are boys, for this reason. I know I should just screw these girls, but seriously. Would you hate someone for liking Star Wars? Really, WHAT IS WRONG WITH STAR WARS?! What, I ask you! They act like Star Wars is all about boys, for boys, and boyish. In 1983, everyone liked Star Wars. Not. Just. Boys. DON’T YOU AGREE?

  • #2586
  • score: 438+/490−
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  1. If you talk nonstop about anything people will start to hate you. Yeesh, lighten up a little!

    • by .
    • 17 July 2011, 8:38 PM
  2. Being obsessive about anything is annoying. And you said yourself that you “never stop talking about 1980s Star Wars”… that’s probably why people don’t like you, not just because you’re a Star Wars fan.

    • by robb
    • 18 July 2011, 7:31 PM
  3. “I know I should just screw these girls”

    You might be on to something there.

    • by Bronzelike
    • 21 July 2011, 6:00 AM

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