Things That I Hate

When People Interrupt You for Stupid Reasons

My best friend had just gotten hit by a car, broken both her legs and her pelvis, and told me to call help. I didn’t have my phone with me, and she was too heavy to carry, so I told her I’d run to my house (which was only two doors down) and call an ambulance. I ran into the kitchen.


“Guess what, honey? It was two for one taco night at the Mexican restaurant! I brought you back one.” And she smiled at me. I walked back to my friend with my phone in my hand and called an ambulance. My mom came running over and asked what happened.

I hate her.

  • #2631
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  1. You hate your mom for trying to be nice?

    • by 13
    • 24 July 2011, 11:25 PM
  2. Well, gee, thoughtful listener, you’re totally right! Why didn’t I just forgive my mom, have a lovely taco dinner, and then call an ambulance?

    • by I wrote this essay
    • 25 July 2011, 10:48 AM
  3. 13 is right. If she had known about your friend before she interrupted you, she might be worthy of your hate. But she didn’t. She interrupted you because she was eager to make you happy. Grow up and get over it.

    • by Bronzelike
    • 28 July 2011, 6:03 AM

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