Things That I Hate

How He Doesn’t Understand

When I first met him, I started to have a small crush on him. After I got to know him, that crush grew and grew. I text him or talk to him on the phone almost everyday and he doesn’t see that I like him so much. At one point, I thought he did, but he never said anything about it… He also used to like my best friend, and I was always so jealous of her, but I never told anyone my feelings. He now has gone through two more girlfriends after my friend, so he obviously doesn’t like me. I wish I could tell him, but if he doesn’t like me back (which he doesn’t) I don’t want it to ruin our friendship. Why did he get to me? How does not see the obvious signals I’m giving out? Oh, how I wish he could just read my mind… and also feel the same way.

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