Things That I Hate

Getting Your Hopes Up

So, I like this guy. When I started to like him, he was single. My friend knows how much I like him, and thought we’d be a good couple, so she was trying to slyly set us up. You know the feeling when you think something might happen, but don’t want to get your hopes up? And they still go up anyway? Well, that’s how I felt. Just yesterday, he started going out with someone. This girl probably knows him better than I do, and I like her, so I’m not annoyed at her. But, I just feel kind of… hollow? The fact he started dating another girl means that he definitely doesn’t like me, and probably never noticed me. So yup, I feel hollow. And we are all meeting up tomorrow, so it’s going to be awkward, and if they act all coupley, I don’t know how I’ll act.

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