Things That I Hate

When You Feel Like A Time Will Never Come

A week ago I lost my little dog. She was only two and she had to get put to sleep because she had a disease that she would have got no matter what and they couldn’t do anything to cure her. I have another dog but he isn’t as special and he doesn’t have the bond with me that me and my other dog had. After visiting the rescued dogs to see if it would lift my spirits a little, it made me realize that I really need this in my life. So I’m thrilled that we found a dog that, like my one that died, was meant to be with me. She’s a little Maltese-Yorkie mix and she’s so adorable! But we can’t bring her home yet, because she’s not 8 weeks old yet. In case some of you didn’t know, puppies have to be at least 8 weeks old to be separated from their litter. Now, that's still 17 days away, and I just cannot wait. I literally can’t. Because now I’ve realized that I would never replace my other dog, and she’ll be in my heart forever. And I need another bond like that to bring happiness back to my heart again. It’ll take away the pain, but I’ll always miss my other dog. I really need this now. I feel like the time will never come!

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