Things That I Hate

University Students Being Perceived as Children

It seems more and more that university students aren’t learning to behave as adults. Every year in a university town some 18–21 year old ignores the “no drinking in the dorms” rule as well as the law, gets drunk, falls out a window and dies. Then their parents sue the university for letting them drink on campus. And every time the university pays out. By this logic the parent of an adult killed in the commission of any crime should be able to sue the city for permitting the crime.

University students no matter their age are treated as children being babysat. The fact their parents think they need to be treated like that proves the parents failed at raising adults. I think universities should be able to counter-sue parents for breach of social contract as well as maintenance fees incurred in the cleanup of the body. Society should not have to treat an elite group of adults as children incapable of joining society or being responsible for their violation of rules and laws.

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