Things That I Hate

Fox News

I hate Fox News. Fox News has brainwashed my grandmother.

She is convinced that Obama is the antichrist and is personally running an underground railroad to smuggle in Islamic terrorists.

In a recent conversation with her she said, “Fox News just tells you stuff you won’t hear from the other liberal media”, to which I replied, “Yeah, because it’s not true.”

  • #79
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  1. Fox News is ridiculous. But, come on, so is MSNBC. Did it ever occur to you that there is a reason that mobs of people flock to the only conservative news station despite the fact that it's horrendous?

    • by Jesse
    • 2 October 2012, 4:02 AM
  2. “Other liberal media” don’t draw attention to when Obama used an executive order to cover up the “Fast and Furious” scandal where the United States Government sold guns to Mexico. Look it up if you don’t believe me. They also don’t question why Obama decided to say a coordinated terrorist attack on our embassy in Libya was in response to a YouTube video… yes, there were riots because of the video but the attack on our embassy was a planned coordinated attack that Obama and his administration had knowledge of before it happened (and still left Marines protecting the embassy without any live ammo). Don’t believe everything you see on TV. That goes for all media, Fox News included.

    • by James
    • 3 October 2012, 6:35 AM
  3. And the liberal media is true? All media is full of misinformation.

    • by horse shit
    • 18 October 2012, 8:31 PM
  4. Don’t be so quick to think you get the facts from liberal media, either. CNN lies. Fox lies. It’s getting rampant on both sides. Quit partisan politics and think for yourself.

    • by Careful Thought
    • 20 December 2012, 10:32 AM
  5. There has not been a social propaganda machine like Fox News since World World II.

    Hitler created and fined tuned process of creating false material and disseminating to the public as a way of promoting his policies to the public.

    Then like now, it is a destructive thing for the country by creating blind followers.

    • by Vincent
    • 9 February 2013, 2:25 PM
  6. Yeah, you’re just as bad as her. Quit bitching about Fox News. Fox is just doing what CNN did with Bush. Both presidents haven’t turned out to be successful. People like you who simply complain about media stations and their bias are contributing to their marketing ploy. Your severely liberal and anecdotal babble causes the hardcore conservatives you and I hate to gain more justification in their views. Please, to everyone, stop complaining about media bias and government corruption; support the head of your country as the head of your country, and do something about the political practices you don’t like rather than blogging.

    • by Pragmatician
    • 16 June 2013, 2:36 AM

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